New Year Update
Hey everyone who still checks in on this or is subscribed. Its been a while since I posted on this, but I have a good reason, I swear! I've been stuck in the weird time vortex that is medical school. I was given a chance to look up from textbooks and found it to be January 2019 and thought there might be a few people left waiting for books. Sadly, medical school is an all consuming beast so I won't be publishing anything in the near future. That isn't to say I've stopped writing all together, it's just that my pace is less 1000 words a day and more a few ideas a week that I occasionally turn into maybe a hundred words. Sorry to all of you that were looking forward to a new book, but this has to take priority if I don't want the 70k per year I'm taking out in loans to mean something. So, I am signing off and will post again when/if I have some time to write again. As a parting gift, I am making all of my books free on B&N and Smashwords, with hopefu...